Things to Consider when Choosing a Sprinkler System

When you are thinking about getting a lawn sprinkler, you may think that you just need something that shoots water. Unfortunately, choosing a lawn sprinkler requires a lot more considerations than that. Selecting the right type of sprinkler system for your lawn can save time, reduce water waste and help you create the healthy and lush lawn you have dreamt of. As tempting as it is to grab the first sprinkler that catches your eye, you need to consider some essentials to make the right choice.

There are a horde of Idaho Falls lawn sprinklers available and the options can often be overwhelming. Thus, the best way to narrow down your choices is to assess your particular landscape and its needs. Some of the things you need to consider when choosing Idaho Falls lawn sprinklers are outlined below.

The size of your property

First things first, you need to consider the size of your lawn. Is it a small yard, or a big lawn? Considering the size is a must because the range of coverage varies in sprinkler heads. If you have a large area, you will require sprinklers that have longer throw distance, such as gear-drive rotors and impact sprinklers.

Your budget

Before moving forward, it is best to consider how much you are willing to spend on lawn sprinklers. If you are looking for cheaper options, you will have a limited variety to choose from. While stationary ones are the cheapest sprinklers you can get, above-ground sprinklers might be better. They cost a lot less than installing an in-ground sprinkler system.

The duration

How long are you planning on staying at your current property? Homeowners who do not plan on moving anytime soon can consider investing in an expensive in-ground sprinkler system. But, if you are planning on moving, it is best to get a hose-end sprinkler. However, if you have the budget, you can still go for an in-ground sprinkler system because it increases the resale value of your property and also boosts curb appeal.

Your home water pressure

Some Idaho Falls lawn sprinklers require a minimum water pressure for throwing water over greater distances. Therefore, you need to take your home’s water pressure into account. If the pressure is low, it is best to opt for a stationary, or oscillating sprinkler. You can get a pressure gauge and hook it up to a faucet to assess the water pressure.

The soil you have

Does your soil contain clay or sand? The former retain water longer, but absorb it slowly due to which gear-drive rotors are more appropriate. Sandy soils, on the other hand, dry out quickly, even though they absorb quickly as well. In this case, it is best to go with impact sprinklers because they can quickly deliver a lot of water.

The usage you want

If you do not mind moving a hose around your yard at intervals for watering your lawn, you can choose a hose-end option. But, if you want something convenient, hassle-free and easy to use, find a lawn sprinkler that can be programmed with a controller or timer.

With these things in mind, you can narrow down your choices and opt for the best lawn sprinkler system for your needs.

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